qlcMatrix - Utility Sparse Matrix Functions for Quantitative Language Comparison
Extension of the functionality of the 'Matrix' package for using sparse matrices. Some of the functions are very general, while other are highly specific for special data format as used for quantitative language comparison.
Last updated 8 months ago
6.98 score 6 stars 1 dependents 256 scripts 1.4k downloadsqlcData - Processing Data for Quantitative Language Comparison
Functionality to read, recode, and transcode data as used in quantitative language comparison, specifically to deal with multilingual orthographic variation (Moran & Cysouw (2018) <doi:10.5281/zenodo.1296780>) and with the recoding of nominal data.
Last updated 9 months ago
5.38 score 3 stars 40 scripts 214 downloadsqlcVisualize - Visualization for Quantitative Language Comparison
Collection of visualizations as used in quantitative language comparison. Currently implemented are visualisations dealing nominal data with multiple levels ("level map" and "factor map"), and assistance for making weighted geographical Voronoi-maps ("weighted map").
Last updated 6 months ago
4.03 score 24 scripts 216 downloads